Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Write questions in simple past.
  1. Anna / the window / open 
  2. she / home / walk 
  3. you / in the garden / work 
  4. you / a song / sing 
  5. she / on a chair / sit 
  6. you / the castle / visit 
  7. Jenny / the door / lock 
  8. she / happy / be 
  9. Greg / the ball / kick 
  10. the car / at the corner / stop 
Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).
  1. Last year I (spend)  my holiday in Ireland.
  2. It (be)  great.
  3. (travel)  around by car with two friends and we (visit)  lots of interesting places.
  4. In the evenings we usually (go)  to a pub.
  5. One night we even (learn)  some Irish dances.
  6. We (be)  very lucky with the weather.
  7. It (not / rain)  a lot.
  8. But we (see)  some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / you)  your last holiday?