Friday, July 27, 2012


Read the following comprehension and answer the following question.
  1. A leading Indian manufacturer in a current article one ways to reinforce India’s economy has drained notice to the tribulations of price rises and industrial illness among other things. One of the major reasons for industrial illness in our country has been the truth that the business and manufacturing managers, have not been able to look further than the instantaneous future. They have been too anxious with their effort to report positive results for the recent year, higher income and larger payment to the share holders. The preparation horizon has barely over exceeded five years. Savings have been insufficient for new plants and towards diversification and development, transformation and benefit creation has badly lagged behind.

    In business, development is required for endurance; one has to develop if one does not desire to be wiped out. This is mainly right today with liberalization of importation and increasing antagonism. Moreover, growth and higher competence create service and higher service creates better markets both for manufacturing and consumers goods. It was Henry ford who brought home the requirement for the formation of a better and a steadier middle class that is a better number of people who can have enough money more and more of goods and services. Even after forty years of sovereignty our manufacturers have not been able to shack the petty shopkeeper’s state of mind and our highly knowledgeable management has tagged along joyfully and without worry.

    1. According to the comprehension, development and rising production lead to
      1. Unequal superfluous of supplies
      2. Service and thus offer an opening to manufacturing and purchaser products
      3. Support to sell to other countries of surplus customer goods
      4. Obligation of constraint on importation
      5. None of the above
    2. Why did Henry Ford pressurize the requirements for a steadier middle class?
      1. Middle class people are generally service tilting
      2. People in that class can have enough money to buy more and more luxurious goods
      3. Middle class people are most wobbly
      4. Middle class people do not have shopkeeper state of mind
      5. None of the above
    3. The planning horizon has barely ever exceeded five years implies
      1. Planning should take care of all likely ups and downs in the next five-year time
      2. Planning must not be for a time of less than five years
      3. Five year period is too short for successful implementation of plans
      4. The planning procedure is very time consuming
      5. The planners are not prone to think of upcoming
    4. In order to develop the situation of Indian industries, the entrepreneur should do all of the following apart from
      1. Giving up the narrow state of mind which very small shopkeepers usually have
      2. Adopting policies for diversification and transformation
      3. Cheering antagonism from industrialists with in the country and from overseas
      4. Resorting to long term planning for industrial development and growth in varied fields
      5. Determined to make long term profits
    5. Which of the following shortcoming of Indian manufacturer has been pointed by the author of the comprehension?
      1. They are less worried for expense of payments to shareholders
      2. They spend irrational high sum on diversification and development
      3. They are unwilling to preserve the storekeeper state of mind
      4. They are more worried for instant net growth than for development activities
      5. None of the above